This is my first blog entry in a new and updated website to reflect a new and updated me. I look forward to sharing knowledge I receive through my spiritual connection with you.
Today I wish to speak to the change in seasons and how important it is to honor that in some way as we move toward the stillness of winter’s cold and darkness. When we notice the season’s rhythms we become more attuned to the ebbs and flows of our own bodies and soul’s. We pause and take in the universal measurement of time, and if we are really getting outside of ourselves (our private concerns and worries), we may notice the light is different because the Earth is rotating differently on her axis. Being a city dweller, I live so far from the natural world sometimes. I need to take a moment and consider my personal relationship with my surroundings.
There are people who still live very close to the pulse of Mother Earth, and study her like scientists. You might be very surprised to hear their findings. Please enjoy a video below which interviews some elderly Inuit men in the Arctic and their observations about their surroundings.
Lorraine Hughes © 2011