The mind creates its own energy field which vibrates, interacts with and surrounds our bodies. It is so important to cultivate positivity and not fall prey to habitual worry because it weighs down part of our energetic field and this in turn can negatively impact our health.
When I work as a healer I can feel and hear people’s thought forms. I see where this resides in the body as blocked energy, that could later manifest as a disease. Especially toxic is self-loathing and having critical thoughts towards oneself. Dr. Emoto’s books on water shows scientific evidence that prayer and negative thoughts (especially with the intention to harm), can either heal or harm water. Our bodies are made up mostly of water so by thinking negatively we can pollute our own systems. The body has the power to heal itself, just by monitoring your own thoughts and not making it a habit to worry you can really turn your health around not to mention feel better.
Another pattern to be careful of is habitually lying. Lying corrodes our spirit and has a detrimental impact on the health of our aura. Which later can manifest in break down and illness in the body. To lie is to take the easy way out in life. Sometimes we are embarrassed about who we are and lie to feel better about ourselves. But this never lasts and all you will attract are other liars. People who are truthful and spiritual will never want to be around a lie because they feel the degradation of falsehood. If we want to be respected we must be as truthful as we can, in the end people who are really our friends and worthy of our friendship will stick around when we tell the truth.
A teacher I admire very much taught me that everyday he reviewed his actions and thoughts so he could move on to sleep and his next day complete. He claimed this was how he maintained his health and well-being and it helped him work with his unconscious motives and drives. We are always in process, but working with our mind is a practice that is taught by countless spiritual practices around the world. The mind is a good place to begin and a good place to end.
Lorraine Hughes © 2011