The life of a seer is an interesting one, and when you become one you have to give up the illusion that you ever had any control over your life. Everything revolves around your clients. You have to let go of ego and become a servant to god, to humanity.
I know there are lots of nonbelievers out there. I can tell you for a fact that God, Creator, Allah, the great Universal Mind is alive and well. I cannot count the number of times something “out there” has intervened in my life, gotten me interested in a certain topic, in order that it would be an additional vehicle for synthesis or become new set of symbolism to work with clients.
We all come down here into this dimension to work on ourselves. I know that seems a bit far-fetched when observing others sometimes, but we are all here to have some kind of “experience”. I have been the instrument of spirit from time to time when a client has some resistance to learning or advancing to the next level. I am told of all the goodies or rewards that will come if someone takes a certain course of action. Quite often ego or following some pre-determined (also known as conditioning or following the status quo) course of action gets in the way. I have watched many a friend or client resist their own growth out of fear and apprehension.
I have learned how stubborn I can be. About 6 years ago I had a reoccurring dream which a teacher in my spiritual community interpreted that I should begin doing hands on healing. Of course I resisted like gang-busters, I didn’t want the responsibility. A very dear friend who is also a psychic was giving me a session, he stopped suddenly and said, Lorraine I am being told your supposed to start doing healing work. I got angry, oh brother you too!! I am tired of this, its enough with the clairvoyance I want to go back to my art for crying out loud. My friend Troy got very quiet and said, they say they will help you sell your paintings. Boom, the magic words. I followed the carrot, ok!
The rest is history, needless to say I notice I am selling more paintings than I used to!
Lorraine Hughes © 2011