Spirituality and the Drug Culture

Once again I feel the need to state a disclaimer; “the following is my opinion and how I have been guided in my spiritual practice, please embrace what feels right and leave the rest behind. Thank you.”

For me, what I have received about reaching the heights of spiritual awareness and connection is to be done safely,  it needs to be done without drugs and alcohol.  Receiving a vision while high on DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), or any of the rave drugs; Ecstacy, or K (Ketamine), is not folks a vision but a nightmare.  Recently I watched the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule, where supposedly responsible adults (some of them psychotherapists and self-proclaimed “shamans”) claimed taking psychotrophic drugs enhanced their ability to help others, or allowed them to have deeper, more spiritual understandings of life.  I found it interesting how all of the interviewed professionals (some with PHD letters after their names) were unable to articulate exactly how these experiences helped them, or what insights they were given on how to help others or their communities.  Some of these experiences include the latest fad of traveling to Peru or the Amazonian rainforest to partake of the Ayahuasca (the substance taken has DMT in it, mixed with another plant) ceremony.

I had never hear of the Ayahuasca experience until clients started to come to me for energy healing, these clients were majorly unbalanced, so opened up that they could not connect to the planetary energies (were not grounded).  Or their lives took such a major shift when they got back that they were unable for years to reorient themselves (ie. losing job, money, partner, possessions etc…).  I also know of people who have gotten their hands on ancient Egyptian elixirs in order to have visions and enhance psychic abilities.  A client came to me who was taking these elixirs; I repeatedly urged him to incorporate the knowledge coming through him into his art.  This energy can build up and come back to us in unpleasant and difficult to handle ways.  Now the energies are much stronger from the other side, the backlash will be much stronger of stored up or stagnant energy in the future.

I feel sad that so many of our young people are lost, often I feel they are looking for spiritual connection and meaning when they take a drug at a rave or dance club.  I was once a lost young person like that myself, only the drugs or alcohol available were not going to instantly take my life or negatively affect my sense of well being for long periods of time.  Recently I read an article that there is a new Ecstasy drug that is deadlier and comes in a powder form.  Many of these club drugs do long-term damage to the brain or central nervous system.  I just lost a friend recently and I know she struggled with depression which is a side effect of one of the club drugs Ketamine which I know she partook of.  So you can quit the drug but are you really released from its detrimental after affects?

I am putting club drugs and ceremonial plants together in comparison here because I feel if psychotrophic plants are used in the same way as a drug in a rave then whats the difference.  Spiritual knowledge gained must be shared with community or have an end result otherwise your body, soul and spirit will be inhabited by something very negative.  That negative being can convince you that you are “right” in what you are doing!  Also known as the ego factor.

© Lorraine Hughes 2013

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