I’ve been wanting to write an article about the collision between science and spirituality for some time now especially since scientific findings from the Large Hadron Collider have been published in recent years. The collider or atom smasher has been operational since 2008. If you google large hadron collider you will find information on the engineering specs, number of top people in their fields involved and how impressive this scientific endeavor involving numerous countries and costing 7.5 billion euros (I want you to stop for a moment and think about how much money that is). Basically a machine which has scientifically reproduced the subatomic conditions at the time of the big bang; or beginning of the universe itself.
The published findings are even more interesting because they have now proven what was theoretically thought of prior; that multiple dimensions exist as well as our own, that we are connected to every living thing on the planet and everything is connected to us and lastly the idea I find most interesting that matter has intelligence and is conscious. Basically you have scientific proof of what great yogis, seers, soothsayers and mystics have been saying since time began. Oh yeah here is another one, time does not exist; specifically in other dimensions.
These ideas are the framework or workspace of my office everyday. It has been my experience to have material objects disappear and reappear; or material objects appear out of thin air and remain in my possession; clouds of vapor appear and disappear inside my dwelling (Jerry my partner has also seen this with me or around me; he has seen faces in the vapor peering at him from around me); telepathic communication occurs on a regular basis between us (proving intelligence in matter and the awareness of cellular of connection); once I was sitting in a restaurant and a strong perfume filled the restaurant from behind me (three people approached me and asked me how I was manifesting the perfume) obviously it came from somewhere else. This is just a very small number of the phenomena that happens in my world and others who are like me. I feel sorry for people that need scientific validation for every circumstance happening on this planet. I think its a miracle to watch a flower bud; how it take its time to share its inner beauty and fragrance with us mere mortals.
Science and scientific endeavors when it becomes the rational mind gone mad, when it needs to name and dissect every living thing in existence down to the smallest particle known to man/womankind including what was going on at the dawn of creation, takes the mystery and creativity out of life and renders it lifeless. There is a place and job for the rational mind and that is for solving a problem that is in front of us, like cleaning and preserving our dwindling fresh water supply; doing something about the disappearing wild places and protecting the disappearing animals species that live within them; organic farming and food for everyone on the planet. Think of the positive change that could be accomplished with 7.5 billion euros, at this very critical turning point in our development on our beautiful planet Earth.
Here is a little food for thought for you. Edgar Cayce was a famous seer who while in trance made uncanny predictions about the past and future which have come to be proven in our time. One of the epochs he spoke about was the existence of a place called Atlantis which sunk into the sea because of the misuse of technology. According to the great physicist Stephen Hawkin the phenomena that was in existence right at the moment of creation was a black hole. This is a state where matter turns in on itself. These are the conditions that the large hadron collider is trying to reproduce. If everything is connected and matter is alive then the experiments being done on the Swiss-Franco border 175 meters below the Earth’s surface are not contained inside the collider but are in fact interacting with the energy of the outer and inner planet and all of life as well. I find it interesting that with increasing frequency in recent years, enormous sinkholes have been appearing all over the planet, especially in north and south America with science not able to give a clear and united explanation for the phenomena. One of these sinkholes swallowed an entire three story building in Guatemala city. It is as if part of our continent were sinking. I am just exploring some ideas of course, I have no scientific data on such problems. Edgar Cayce warned in his readings on numerous occasions that we were headed for the same conclusion as Atlantis if we continued on the path we were on; continuing to disconnect with the planetary energies and disregard the warnings we were being given from the planet herself.
The Earth is our mother, she needs our care and she and all her inhabitants need our nourishment and protection. This spaceship Earth is our home, there is no other place out there that is presently suitable for us to inhabit. At least in the dimension that most mere mortals are able to perceive.
© Lorraine Hughes 2013
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