It is time to breathe in and cultivate stillness.
As I write this a solar eclipse is culminating and scattering energy throughout our planetary energy field; which includes each one of our individual energy fields. What I know about eclipses (with my limited astro-knowledge) is an eclipse raises large amounts of energy and that energy is dispersed before and after the eclipse over time. The sun’s energy is cloaked then revealed again.
All life on our planet is dependent on the energy of the sun so these times can be especially powerful.
My business as a psychic and energy healer has shifted significantly since our move out to Peterborough. Opportunities I had counted on to get me through a transition disappeared and my business took a huge hit, not for the best. Its had me questioning what I do for a living, is this what I am supposed to be doing. Does creator want me to do something else. Who am I really? What is my role. I look back on some dreams I had two years ago that I didn’t understand. Now I get it. In more than one dream I was changing my clothing, hair, I feel I was walking away from alot of what I have learned spiritually. I am meant to be on a new path, a different path.
Not totally sure what that is supposed to be yet. Not sure what Creator/God has in store for me but for sure, times are changing and resistance is futile, but it feels really good to admit that even to myself. Going inside alot and looking at myself and my thinking patterns. When you work in people’s energy alot you forget who you are, whats important and what were my reasons for beginning this path fourteen years ago.
I do love helping people, I know I want to keep doing that but I have neglected myself and I never met to do that.
This past year has been about revealing what the sun means to me inside myself. My birthday is on May the 8th and last year there was a solar eclipse on my birthday. I think besides my role as a spiritual person changing, creativity has come again in my life. Oh painting and writing, I never meant to give you up. Its just my love and passion for helping others took over.
With this solar eclipse I watch myself change again, and creator whispers in my ear what his plans are for me up ahead. In the meantime I plant my garden, I work in the studio with new colors; write, and I wait patiently for the illumination of the sun to coax all the seedlings to rise…
© Lorraine Hughes 2014