We women are coming alive all over the world at a very important time. During a time when great waves of healing female energy is available for all of us, in the far reaches of our Mother Earth. Women and men are standing up and out everywhere to defend and preserve our Mother Earth and her creatures; our way of life as well as our ability to grow nutritious food. I read about places where women have been systematically oppressed getting organized and fighting for their rights. We have to fight for and defend the rights of our animals and plant co-habitants as well. Just because a being does not serve an economic or scientifically proved ideal, does not mean its not an important member of our community. Unfortunately too often, economic concerns and scientific agenda creates a gulf between us and the rest of Earth’s planetary beings who might not be human.
Recently my friend had a spell of vertigo and learned how to adapt to this new energy wave by simple exercises (given to her by her chiropractor) using her vision. The most impressive part of her story to me is that her doctor reported that cases of unexplained vertigo were on the rise and that a high number were reported from menopausal women. This follows my thoughts that menopausal or women going through heightened hormonal experiences (like pregnancy and birth) are on the forefront to absorbing and integrating these new energies that dance and sway on our Mother Earth.
This new energy absorption and integration can be uncomfortable and emotional I have found. If we spend quiet time on a regular basis through meditation, contemplation, prayer and creativity we find that we get closer to the heartbeat of mother Earth, her throbbing pulsing rhythms which activate and inspire us. The earth is changing, she is in peril in a way as she gives birth to herself. During times of deep transformation a being or a system is most vulnerable to predators; this is the way of nature, and some of the preying can come from the other side. The best way to be on this transformational ride is to go inward, be your own guru and develop a solid relationship with God or Creator. You know yourself and your relationship with creator best.
I have been shown that when we embrace our changes, especially our hormonal changes we will be led to where we need to be. If you are going through some emotional, hormonal changes embrace them, dance with them, don’t be so quick to silence the wisdom of the body. Learn to deeply listen to yourselves. This new energy especially engages the non-rational brain, that is why we can have vertigo; feelings of being spaced out or forgetful, sudden flashes of understanding, precognition, profound dreaming, hunches, or sudden emotional outpourings from the deep self. So take care of yourself, make time to go inward and try to integrate your changes. Deep breathing is a wonderful way to engage the energy and become more aware and conscious of your body changes.
So hug a tree, spend time in nature, love your friends and paint a picture. Mother Earth is a wonderful and wondrous place to be right now, and we are all here together riding along on this spaceship called Earth.
© Lorraine Hughes 2015