Hey folks my apologies I haven’t been on here for a while but I am becoming a writing, reading hermit, truly. If I could go off and live on a deserted island just with books and my MacBook I would probably be doing that but alas I am here in rural Ontario feeding my bird friends and looking out the window at the snow on the ground. My mind is definately off visiting distant lands and often I wish my spouse would read more so we could deeply discuss topics and books I am reading and thinking about. Instead he is a news junkie and deep soul who helps to interprets my dreams. Well we can’t have everything can we.
So instead of writing about some spiritual truth I am pondering at the moment I thought I would share some books and ideas here that have inspired me as of late. I am a library nerd girl. There I’ve said it. Always had a library card and usually have up to 10 books on the go piled beside my bed, now that my beloved bought me an e-reader, I have about 8 books I am reading piled up there on my library bookshelf! Uh really?! How can you read so many books you say. Well I go from book to book and there is something reassuring almost security blanket-like if you will about these book piles in actuality and virtually. I am not some weird cat lady who coughs behind a dusty book pile while your visiting, at which you might exclaim oh hey there you are Lorraine I thought I lost you there for a minute! No these books are constantly being flipped through and referred to.
I’m reading “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts” by Dr. Gabor Mate; a very enlightening and sensitively written book about Dr. Mate’s encounters with addiction, I found fascinating the chapters on brain development and how the addictive brain develops. It was difficult to read of lab testing done on animals. There is great humanity is this book though.
I remember years ago when I started to do sessions and healing with clients it was shared with me by a fellow seer that I would read about something or become fascinated with some topic and clients would magically appear needing that information. Lately sad to say more and more people are suffering from various forms of trouble with the brain. Personally I believe its because of the society we live in, all the electrical devices we own and unnatural energy waves out there milling about affecting our thinking in adverse ways.
On the plus side and unrelated here are some books I have read and enjoyed over the past year; The Orenda by Joseph Boyden; The Reason you Walk by Wab Kinew (loved this book, I cried alot reading this); I read all the Harry Potter books again (3rd time); Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda (still reading); The Chrysalids by John Windham; So Much Blood and Star Trap by Simon Brett; The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver and If you want to Write by Brenda Ueland. This is just to name a few books I have on the go, and have just read recently. Once I get on to a new author I have to read all their books, this is my first Barbara Kingsolver book and am going to read Prodigal Summer next!
So to all you book-loving writerish types out there, I celebrate you! Read, think and express yourself creatively, there is nothing better for the brain.
© Lorraine Hughes 2016