I use the photograph of the crow and the raven because they are known to be amongst the most intelligent animals on our planet. They have highly developed powers of observation. I believe this is why they are up at the top for smarts. To me that is why it is important to still your mind and be aware of the messages you send out into the universe. The power of prayer along with developing your powers of observation will expand your mind and intuition. Being smart is not about your SAT score or an IQ test its about developing what you already have.
This article is a prelude to classes I will be holding this fall in Toronto. The dates and location are not firm but I will have that information by the end of June, 2017 (check back here to to my website if interested under ‘classes’). The location will be in the downtown core and I hope to begin after Labour Day in September, 2017 over the course of 8 weeks meeting one evening per week for 2 hours.
I am excited and honoured to be teaching classes again and lead you on a journey to developing your intuition. One of the topics we will cover is prayer and meditation.
Meditation and prayer are like the opposite ends of a pole when working with energy. Meditation is about receiving or getting ‘ready’ to receive messages and prayer is kind of like sending out the desire or posing the question. Both are important to developing your intuition.
Think of yourself as a farmer. Meditation or stilling the mind is like tilling the soil and preparing the ground for something to grow. If we have busy minds or we don’t know how to practice mindfulness how will we ever hear spirit or be able to discriminate from the myriad of messages being processed by the brain. Engaging in prayer or sending out a request or question is a process in itself for as meditation gives us a window to the unconscious and mirrors back to us messages that might not be in our awareness, good prayers (or clear requests) are being precise about what we ask for and the having knowledge about negative messages we might unconsciously give ourselves (and send out into the ethers) everyday, which result in a garbled message from spirit if we are not still or clear in the sending out.
That is why we must work together with these two principles.
These concepts and more will be explained and simplified in the classes I will teach over an eight week period, all methods I have used and tested myself in my work. These classes will be conducted with your safety being paramount, and not necessarily how to be a psychic (but would help you if you are one or have that gift) but geared to help people with their intuition in their everyday lives. Through this course I hope to help your gain clarity where there may have been confusion in these matters.
© Lorraine Hughes 2017