Mother Earth, our home planet, is a living breathing organism. For about 10 years I have been receiving psychic messages about the dire condition of the ozone layer and Earth’s oceans; the interconnectivity of the two.
The oceans are mother Earth’s lungs and the ozone layer is her immune system. When these two systems are compromised, just like us, there are repercussions that will affect the whole being. We are living on an enormous, cognizant entity who because she is on her healing journey, is returning to a state of balance. We may not survive it, but mother Earth will continue.
Medicine societies of the Hopi Indians of Arizona have been trying to warn humanity of the perils of industrialization since the 1960’s (they even went to the United Nations to petition their concerns), but no one would listen. The Hopi people (who are known for their powerful prophets and ceremonies) have predicted a worldwide phenomena of cleansing around this time, I believe we have been in this time for a while now.
The world’s oceans and the ozone layer are closely connected and work in tandem together. The oceans absorb and process co2, if the ocean is not able to perform this task there will be more and more problems with air pollution building up and not dissipating in many areas of the world, scientific data has shown this is also causing glacier snow to melt faster. Bacteria, germs and viruses will continue to be more difficult to control, especially where food is mass-produced, remember we cannot see these microbes with the naked eye. Using antibacterial hand cleaner will not help with this problem. The strains of microbes developing will be more and more resistant to antibiotics, you will notice this has become a real problem in places like hospitals. This will continue to worsen because of the depletion of the ozone and the condition of the oceans.
I watched a documentary 8 years ago (when I originally wrote this article for another blog) called Shark Water by Rob Stewart www.sharkwater.com, a very brave soul bringing issues regarding the oceans too light. Our inhumanity toward the life forms in the oceans and the way we have used the oceans themselves as our dumping ground. I found the film interesting regarding how psychic the sharks were for example because I have received telepathically that whale song is important to the function and maintenance of Earth’s axis and orbit around the sun.
There is an important interconnectedness that is not seen by normal eyes but by sensitive, perhaps creative eyes, it is with these eyes we can view our connection to our home planet, that we are part of a greater community, especially if we are to survive this time of great change. People are under the illusion that global warming means we will live in a semi-tropical paradise where the temperature always remains at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This will not be the case. We will see worldwide flooding, monster storms, extreme changes in temperature/weather unless we come together in love and community.
Mother Earth is rebalancing herself. The best way to navigate the change is to educate your self, reduce your stress, practice holistic forms of medicine, meditate and develop a spiritual practice. But most of all be part of the solution, get involved in a community or cause you are passionate about and that cares about our home. We need community, compassion and prayer.
The Earth is our mother, she is our home, to live here we need to respect her and all the creatures (all of life) that live upon her.
Lorraine Hughes © 2019