I am thinking of everyone out there and the reason I write this article is only to help and inform not to harm. I also urge each and everyone of you to learn to atune to spirit for yourself so you are given timely advice to protect yourself and your families and how to work with the new planetary energies. I try to go out to my tree regularly and pray for humanity, pray for us all to learn to work together and to “see” in each of our small actions we can change our outcomes for the betterment of all.
We can come together to help each other in a spirit of love and healing, we can work together to come up with solutions so we live in a more benign way on Mother Earth. We are here for a short stay on planet Earth, learning the lessons she has for us in this dimension. The COVID-19 virus is here to teach us something new and something old because many, many years ago, before history was recorded humanity knew how to live in harmony among ourselves and with our animal, plant and mineral relatives, we understood the concept “respect for all life”. We are being prompted to go back to another time in our pre-history. Some of the people walking the Earth at this time come from other dimensions but have taken on the human physical form to bring in this new knowledge as we carry it in our DNA, we are here to teach and bring in the new energy that is old and was here before.
I am getting messages to prepare this winter for a second wave of the virus or of viruses. When I say prepare we also have to use our mind and our prayers to bring a more conscious and healing vibe on the planet, this is not about hoarding food or hand sanitizer although it might be a good idea to grow your own food this summer. Growing food is something I have always been shown is a good idea. If you don’t have the space be part of a community garden (they are springing up all over the place) or grow a few containers in your home.
The future is not written in stone, if humanity makes the changes it needs to make we will see the virus becoming gentler and gentler. Its really important this summer to build up immunity, among the regular things of diet and exercise I am being told spending as much time as possible getting fresh air and walking in the woodlands or being near trees is very beneficial for ones health and immunity.
A message that keeps coming to me is humanity “needs” to see it is part of the Earth and the Earth is part of him/her. What is being under attack with this virus is the lungs and the kidneys; the Earth’s oceans and the ozone layer both are interconnected not unlike our own lungs and kidneys. We have to take care of the oceans, to not heed the message of the virus is to do so at our own peril. When we pray imagine the ocean clean and sparkling but its also important as a spiritual person not just to meditate and pray but to take actions no matter how small to help the healing of Mother Earth and her oceans.
Pray to the water and thank the water before you drink it, be a conscious and humble human being, this is not about you but about the greater whole. Pray for others who are sick or troubled, even if you don’t know them. I had a dream last night I was learning to sing to the angels with people I didn’t know; as strangers we were unified by our song.
As Spock said in The Wrath of Khan “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” This is a time not to think just of yourself but to think of all of humanity and keep that in mind with any action you do, make sure it aligned with your higher spiritual principles.
© Lorraine Anne Hughes 2020