Here is a group of messages I am getting about current energies and future trends of those energies. Some of these messages I have either been sharing with clients or friends and family (I share them now with you).
The vaccine for COVID-19 (sidebar here – everyone should do what they need to do to feel safe (protect yourself and your family), if you need to get the vaccine now because you are high risk then you do what you need to do), I received a message this autumn, that a second roll-out of the vaccine would be more effective against the Covid-19 virus.
I keep getting that we need to priortize taking care of Mother Earth over our personal agendas and really make an effort to get along with each other, regardless of our race, creed, culture, sexual orientation etc. All are one and we need to see ourselves as one, this is not the time for special interest groups but a time of building bridges between ourselves (our groupings) and see our common-ground. Working toward social change that helps everyone not just the smaller group. In other words consider navel-gazing to be a complete waste of time, when I consider myself, what is my place in the universe and how can I serve the greater good.
There will continue to be more infectious diseases in the future if we do not take care of our environment and get along with each other. We are being stopped by Mother Earth by the virus, the virus is a living being with an intelligence and we have to stop thinking of it as the enemy. What is it teaching us about ourselves and our divisive, war-like nature.
Some of these messages I don’t always completely understand as they come to me in a cryptic format, here’s one: our concept of time will change and along with this are timed cosmic events (some of these events have just happened), all for our benefit, it is an opportunity to change and permit love and light to enter the soul.
There have been significant changes to Earth’s magnetic field and more changes are coming (allowing for wisdom and teaching to come from the Sun), those that are particularly sensitive will feel the waves and fluxs in Earth’s magnetic field, self-care is of utmost importance.
We continue to be “forced” to evolve.
We are seeing alot of social unrest and violence, unforturnately this is a result of so many people on the planet healing and going through inner changes at the same time, the old format needs to fall in order to rebuild and many of us are “invested” in the old ways of doing things, we are being made to feel “uncomfortable” as many people of the world are and have been without some us knowing about it, we are in a sense dramatically being brought down to other people’s level. Evolution is the great equalizer.
Mental health issues will continue to be on the rise, the Earth’s changes and magnetic shifts affect our minds, take time to meditate and atune yourself to these changes, put aside judgement everything that is happening is for your benefit even if it feels uncomfortable!
Continued importance of women, holding up and healing of women and all the areas of life womanhood governs. Its our time ladies, use it well, hold up your sisters and hold them accountable. Hold ourselves accountable.
Criminals and criminal acts will continue to be uncovered and exposed; this is not to really drive the machinary of punishment but to mirror us to ourselves, what we have believed in, put our faith in or deluded ourselves with (this includes our systems of governance and our most hallowed institutions and documents), everything is under review. Impunity will no longer be permited or tolerated in society.
I keep getting this message, how powerful our prayers are, keep praying not just for yourself but for others, for humanity, for Mother Earth and all her creatures, for she is re-birthing and cleansing herself at this time. Remember your inner self is a reflection of your outer reality and vice versa, if you work on self calming you are actually helping to create more calm and peace on the planet.
I know I keep saying I will write more here because I know people have been asking for it and you come to me for comfort in a chaotic time. I will make an effort in the coming year to blogg more often!
Be well, take care of you, this is a time of reflection and reset; try to be part of the solution, not the problem which is violence and division.
Peaceful due process and coming together of community, we are one!
© Lorraine Hughes 2020