Tag Archives: spirit guides
April, 2020 The World is Forced to Shift
I wanted to start this article out to say that I certainly don’t have all the answers, some of the people I know were asking what I was picking up about this time we are living through my psychic channel. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged all my realtions, animal welfare, community, COVID 10, earth changes, environment, grow your own food, practical wisdom, spirit guides, spiritual development, unification, virus meaning
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Why Engage in Meditation and Prayer
I use the photograph of the crow and the raven because they are known to be amongst the most intelligent animals on our planet. They have highly developed powers of observation. I believe this is why they are up at … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Predictions, Rural living, Spiritual Lessons, Spirituality, Uncategorized
Tagged behind the veil, broaden your mind, change, classes with Lorraine, co-creation, creativity, energy, exterrestrials, illumination, intuition development, other dimensions, other worlds, paranormal, reach for the stars, spirit guides, spiritual development, ufos
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